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Eugenia Spelling


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Eugenia Spelling


This is simply brilliant.
Senator Ted Cruz is putting forward a bill to use seized assets from drug lords like Mexican drug lord El Chapo to fund…
THE Wall.
That big, beautiful, Southern Border Wall!
Aptly named “Ensuring Lawful Collection of Hidden Assets to Provide Order,” Cruz’s bill would take seized assets from billionaire drug lords, like the notorious Mexican kingpin El Chapo, and use them to fund the wall project.
Currently, “U.S. prosecutors are seeking $14 billion in drug profits and other assets from El Chapo,” according to Axios. “They also routinely seize the assets of other drug dealers and traffickers.”
Known for his hit-squads and multi-billion dollar drug enterprise, El Chapo (Joaquin Guzman) was recently extradited to the United States from Mexico. The drug kingpin was imprisoned a handful of times in Mexico for his brutal crimes but, due to corruption and bribery schemes within the Mexican prison system, El Chapo managed to “escape” with the help of prison guards. That won’t be happening again. Placed on U.S. soil, Guzman will likely spend the rest of his life behind bars at a maximum security federal prison.
El Chapo’s arrest and detainment inspired Cruz to get creative and carry out justice on behalf of the American people. What better way to fund the border wall than to exploit the assets of those who make deadly profits off an open border?
Read more: The Daily Wire
Well, that’s one way to make those Bad Hombres from Mexico pay for the Wall!
The new bill is informally known as the ‘El Chapo Bill’.
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Eugenia Spelling


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Eugenia Spelling

Airline Couldn’t Help Sick Child, So Donald Trump CAME TO THE RESCUE!

Even Donald Trump’s critics agree- He is a man of action. He’s not the type to wait around for government help. He wins because he works hard and is dedicated.

But this story is extraordinary! In Los Angeles, an airline was refusing to help get a sick 3-year-old Jewish boy on a flight.
Trump was called, and he immediately made his expensive private jet available. Donald Trump acted to save the day, without hesitation.
THIS is what a REAL leader looks like.
The private Boeing 727 of real estate tycoon Donald Trump arrived from Los Angeles at LaGuardia Airport Tuesday morning, carrying aboard an Orthodox Jewish child with a rare and still undiagnosed breathing illness.
The child, Andrew Ten, age 3, arrived with his parents — accompanied by three nurses who attend to him around the clock — to try to seek medical help in the New York area.
Trump made his plane available for the special trip to New York after the boy’s parents, Judy and Harold Ten, called Trump and told him of their plight.
Commercial airlines refused to fly the child because he could not travel without an elaborate life-support system, which includes a portable oxygen tank, a suction machine, a breathing bag and an adrenaline syringe.
“Mr. Trump did not hesitate when we called him up. He said ‘yes, I’ll send my plane out,’” 29-year-old Harold Ten recalled shortly after he landed here Tuesday morning.
Asked why he thought Trump made his private jet available, Ten replied, “Because he is a good man. He has three children of his own and he knows what being a parent is all about.”
While Donald Trump is busy saving young boys at airports, President Barack Obama allows his family to live in poverty somewhere in Kenya.
Thank you Donald Trump for setting such an example for the rest of us! We should always help others in need.
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